Mutual Aid — Offering: food // For: general need // Location: Philadelphia
Mutual Aid — Offering: food // For: general need // Location: Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: city resource, food // For: kids // Location: Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: city resource, food // For: elders // Location: Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: general resources, food, health and healthcare, domestic violence support, housing, bills and utilities, internet access, transportation // For: residents, general need // Location: Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: city resource, food, meals // For: elders // Location: Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: food // For: general need // Location: Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: general resources, legal services, immigration support, government benefits, bills and utilities, jobs, housing, food, transportation, domestic violence support, harm reduction, incarceration support, childcare, parent support, personal protective equipment // For: general need, parents // Location: Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: general resources, volunteer opportunity // For: general need // Location: Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: food, health and healthcare, internet access, government benefits, bills and utilities, general resources // For: general need, students // Location: West Philadelphia
Resource — Offering: general resources, mental health, health and healthcare, food, government benefits, housing, financial counseling, bills and utilities, internet access, transportation, education, childcare, advice and info // For: general need, unemployed, parents, students, healthcare workers, essential workers // Location: Southeast Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware County